These posters show the daily call and response for Mountain of Miracles VBS.
Aquí es donde los niños colocarán sus respuestas a las preguntas de repaso al final de cada día.
Who Will Help? Is a story of people who were in too much of a hurry to help and one person who stopped to help. The Good Samaritan shows the importance of being kind and ready to help others, no matter who they are. It reminds us that being a good neighbor means showing love and compassion to... [Show more]
Lester was a hungry lion! Every day he sat in his den thinking about his next meal. He was so hungry, all he could think about was food, food, food. One day that changed. For one day Lester wasn’t hungry. Find out what happened and how God takes care of His people even when... [Show more]
People and tomatoes seem pretty different, don't they? This colorful children's book shows how God grows good fruit on both of us to bless others every day! Copyright 2024.
Willie is a very worried sparrow. He worries about what he will eat, if he is safe and will he be able to fly. Every day kids are surrounded by challenges, distractions and worries just like Willie. In this book kids will learn that they don’t need to worry because Jesus takes care of them... [Show more]
La Guía de tamboreo y percusión no es una guía más. Es un recurso completo, que abarca todos los aspectos del ministerio de la banda de percusión, proporcionando los conceptos y las ideas prácticas necesarios para un ministerio eficaz. Esta guía... [Show more]
The Drumming & Percussion Guide is more than just a manual. It's a comprehensive resource that equips you with the knowledge and practical insights you need for effective ministry. Included is guidance for instructors and participants for everything from protocols and execution to uniforms, drum... [Show more]
Cada niño en la EBV de Mountain of Miracles recibirá un nuevo compañero bíblico cada día. Este conjunto incluye suficientes piezas para 10 niños.
Revele un nuevo compañero bíblico cada día para transformar el escenario de su EBV.
Disponible para la preventa En esta Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones los niños explorarán el Monte de los Milagros, un lugar donde el amor de Dios es sólido. ¡Les encantará aprender más sobre Jesús a través de las historias... [Show more]
At this Vacation Bible School kids will explore Mountain of Miracles, a place where God's love is rock solid! They’ll love learning more about Jesus through Bible stories from the Gospel of John. Five days of Christ-centered activities will help kids see that God is always with us. Kit... [Show more]
For far too long Christianity has been seen as a set of beliefs and/or a lifestyle seeking to know and do what is right. We have focused on trying to change people when it is God alone who can change people. We are not even capable of changing ourselves much less others. The goal of the Christian... [Show more]
This storybook shows how little Jesus spent his time growing up. Paperback. Copyright 2024. 19 pages. For kindergarten-age children.
These studies take one chapter of Scripture at a time. Submitting ourselves to the active Holy Spirit, participants take turns reading one chapter aloud and then responding to a variety of Scripture prompts with more than one possible answer. Instead of pinpointing a single “right”... [Show more]
Relational Bible Studies depend on the Holy Spirit to be present and active as participants read a passage of Scripture. The Holy Spirit who inspired the Bible writers years ago must be present for us to receive the message the same Holy Spirit has for us today. Instead of a leader... [Show more]