This special Black History Month Study Guide is for additional Sabbath School Study, Prayer Meetings, Family Worship, Group Discussions, and Personal Devotion. This edition covers what the Word of God says about Social Justice and the Church. “Social Justice and Church Mission”... [Show more]
This special Black History Month Study Guide is for additional Sabbath School Study, Prayer Meetings, Family Worship, Group Discussions, and Personal Devotion. This edition covers what the Word of God says about Social Justice and the Church. “Social Justice and Church Mission”... [Show more]
This special Black History Month Study Guide is for churches and schools who would like to study what the Word of God says about signs of the end time. Each week there will be different topics relating to signs of the end time. The Increase of Knowledge Social Justice and Increase of Wars Social... [Show more]
This special Black History Month Study Guide is for churches and schools who would like to study what the Word of God says about signs of the end time. Each week there will be different topics relating to signs of the end time. The Increase of Knowledge Social Justice and Increase of Wars Social... [Show more]
This special 2023 Black History Month Study Guide is for churches and schools who would like to study what the Word of God says about Emancipation. Each week there will be different topics relating to emancipation with daily lessons on that topic. Weekly lessons include: One Blood All Nations A... [Show more]
SPECIAL PRE-PRINT PRICE IS AVAILABLE UNTIL DECEMBER 1, 2022. THE REGULAR RETAIL PRICE IS $1.49. This special 2023 Black History Month Study Guide is for churches and schools who would like to study what the Word of God says about Emancipation. Each week there will be different topics relating to... [Show more]
Should Seventh-day Adventists be involved in matters of social injustice, and if so, how? What would Jesus do? These and other relevant questions will be discussed in the special February 2022 Black History Month Sabbath School Study Guide. The study guide, authored by four theologians and... [Show more]
NOTE: This book will be relased in December 2021. This special Black History Month Study Guide is for churches and schools that would like to study Social Justice in the Word of God. Each week there will be different topics relating to justice: Social Justice in the Old Testament Justice and... [Show more]