
Items by: North American Division

NAD 2025 Anniversary Calendar (40 Years)

NAD 2025 Anniversary Calendar (40 Years)

This calendar features milestones from the first 40 years of the North American Division, which was established in 1985. Key moments from Adventist history are included for each month.

  • Precio:$9.95
Disabilities Ministries Brochure

Disabilities Ministries Brochure

This brochure provides an overview of ways your church can become an inclusive space for individuals with all types of abilities.

  • Precio:Gratis
ACS Kit - Digital Download

ACS Kit - Digital Download

A logo kit for use by Adventist Community Services leaders. Includes logo files for Adventist Community Services, Disaster Response, Inner City Programs, Tutoring and Mentoring, and Youth Emergency Services Corps. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: Once your purchase is complete you will receive an... [Show more]

  • Precio:$4.95
Faith Community Nursing Brochure

Faith Community Nursing Brochure

Faith Community Nursing (FCN) takes high-quality nursing care into the daily lives of congregants, engaging in a faith-based approach to wholistic care. This brochure outlines the ministry of nursing and the value of membership in the Adventist Association of Faith Community Nurses (AAFCN).

  • Precio:Gratis
Safeguarding Peace

Safeguarding Peace

Abuse in any form injures and dehumanizes God’s children. Houses of hope and healing lose witness when violence festers and is tolerated within the church body. In recognition, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has addressed this very real and obvious issue head-on with a zero-tolerance... [Show more]

  • Precio:Gratis
Careers in Camp Ministry

Careers in Camp Ministry

Is camp ministry right for you? Do you love being in the outdoors? Would you enjoy variety in your work? Do you find God’s voice a bit clearer out in nature? Do you like sharing these experiences with others? Would you savor the opportunity of working with young people… campers and... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95
Protecting Our Kids

Protecting Our Kids

A safe childhood is an adult responsibility. This 8.5x11 handout outlines the principles of safe supervision when ministering to children and youth. Share copies with all of your church’s children’s and youth ministries leaders and volunteers.

  • Precio:Gratis
Master Guide Pledge & Law Set

Master Guide Pledge & Law Set

This set includes the Master Guide Pledge and Law banners. 24" × 36" Club must supply 3/8" dowels for crossbars 100% polyester

  • Precio:$49.95
Relationship and Dating Violence

Relationship and Dating Violence

This brochure outlines dating and relationship violence. It includes warning signs, statistics, and resources for help and support.

  • Precio:Gratis
ACF Brochure

ACF Brochure

Adventist Christian Fellowship (ACF) is a movement of, by, and for students joining the mission of God on campus. Spread the word about ACF with this brochure. It covers 7 steps to starting an ACF chapter, reasons to join ACF, and more.

  • Precio:Gratis
enditnow Afiche de «Cómo comenzar» | Bilingüe

enditnow Afiche de «Cómo comenzar» | Bilingüe

This reversible poster features English on one side and Spanish on the other side.

  • Precio:Gratis
enditnow | Herramienta de autoevalucación para la iglesia

enditnow | Herramienta de autoevalucación para la iglesia

Nuestras iglesias deben ser lugares seguros y solidarios hacia aquellos que enfrentan cualquier clase de abuso. Esta herramienta de autoevaluación le permitirá resaltar las áreas en las que su iglesia puede ser cada vez más segura y efectiva en este sentido. 

  • Precio:Gratis
A Rugged Journey Cards

A Rugged Journey Cards

These cards advertise A Rugged Journey, a safe place for young men to ask their toughest questions and find their deepest purpose.

  • Precio:Gratis
Georgious 2 God Cards

Georgious 2 God Cards

These cards advertise Gorgeous 2 God, a safe place for young women to ask their toughest questions and find their deepest purpose.

  • Precio:Gratis
Memorial Medallion Brochure

Memorial Medallion Brochure

The Seventh-day Adventist Memorial Medallion of Honor recognizes the sacrificial service of deceased Seventh-day Adventist clergy, educators, and chaplains who dedicated their lives to ministry within the church. The Medallion may be affixed to cemetery grave markers as a perpetual... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.25
Memorial Medallion Folder

Memorial Medallion Folder

The Seventh-day Adventist Memorial Medallion of Honor recognizes the sacrificial service of deceased Seventh-day Adventist clergy, educators, and chaplains who dedicated their lives to ministry within the church. The Medallion may be affixed to cemetery grave markers as a perpetual... [Show more]

  • Precio:$4.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States