A safe childhood is an adult responsibility. This 8.5x11 handout outlines the principles of safe supervision when ministering to children and youth. Share copies with all of your church’s children’s and youth ministries leaders and volunteers.
End It Now - Church Self-Assessment Tool Poster | Bilingual
Myths We Believe, Predators We Trust
Nos llamaban bebé | Libro
Safeguarding Peace
They Call Us Baby
You Have a Voice
Relationship and Dating Violence
Breaking the Silence Brochure
The Dynamics of Domestic Violence
Women's Ministries Key Chain Pen
El amor no lastima - Paq. de 100 folletos
Rompiendo el silencio - Paq. de 100
Women's Ministries - What it is...and What it Isn't...
Love Shouldn't Hurt Wrist Band