
A Fresh Look at Denominational Research: Role, Impact and Scope

A Fresh Look at Denominational Research: Role, Impact and Scope

Producto #419368

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This impressive and well-informed book of human-subject research is a first denominational publication which put together the history of denominational research, its role, philosophy, treatment, and challenges. Several actual fresh research-based studies are included. The intriguing part of this publication deals with the effectiveness of pastors, as well as the nurture, engagement, and retention of young adults in a living relationship with Christ and in the Church. Every person interested in human-subject research should have this volume on a readily accessible shelf and any classes on the subject should have it as an indispensable tool. This is a vade mecum through this type of research related to faith maturity among Seventh-day Adventists. –Jiří Moskala, ThD, PhD

Paperback. Copyright 2018. 364 pages.

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