
Items by:

Mobile Evangelism - Mobi Version

Mobile Evangelism - Mobi Version

The goal of this book is to help you start creating videos with your mobile device. You’ve probably shot a video or two already on your mobile device, but there are some basic things that will sabotage your video. Do you know how to hold your mobile device? Did you know that you can connect a... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.99
Mobile Journalism - ePub Version

Mobile Journalism - ePub Version

The goal of this book is to help you start creating videos with your mobile device. You’ve probably shot a video or two already on your mobile device, but there are some basic things that will sabotage your video. Do you know how to hold your mobile device? Did you know that you can connect a... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.99
Real Family Talk 2

Real Family Talk 2

Real Family Talk is an award-winning family television program hosted by Willie Oliver, PhD, a pastor and family sociologist, and Elaine Oliver, MA, an educator and counseling psychologist. Through their half-hour show, this dynamic couple equips families with the tools necessary to build... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.95
Introduction to Disaster Preparedness

Introduction to Disaster Preparedness

Fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and other disasters are striking more frequently than ever before. Every individual should be familiar with the disasters most likely to affect the area in which they live and know how to prepare for and react to such events. Adventist Community... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.00
Memorizar la Biblia

Memorizar la Biblia

Este parche es dado al conquistador que completa los requisitos de la especialidad de Memorizar la Biblia. Categoría: Crecimiento espiritual, actividades misioneras y herencia Nivel de habilidad: 1 Nivel avanzado: No

Cocinando pizzas

Cocinando pizzas

Este parche es dado al conquistador que completa los requisitos de la especialidad de Cocinando pizzas. Categoría: Artes domésticas Nivel de habilidad: 1 Nivel avanzado: No

Investiture Achievement Director's Guide

Investiture Achievement Director's Guide

Welcome to the exciting world of Investiture Achievement! This Director's Guide will give you a complete overview of what is required for the completion of each level and some basic teaching tips you or the Instructors in your club can use to help Pathfinders complete the requirements. Investiture... [Show more]

  • Precio:$19.95
Involve: Understanding Natural Evangelism

Involve: Understanding Natural Evangelism

What is evangelism? Who can effectively “do” evangelism? How often? And where? If you have asked any of these questions, this book is for you. Its purpose is to help you examine and expand your definition of evangelism, and form a picture of the right place of evangelism in the life of... [Show more]

  • Precio:$12.95
Guide Instructor's Helps - Investiture Achievement

Guide Instructor's Helps - Investiture Achievement

Use these instructor’s helps to guide Pathfinders in completing their class requirements. Copyright 2014.

  • Precio:$3.95
Voyager Instructor's Helps - Investiture Achievement

Voyager Instructor's Helps - Investiture Achievement

Use these instructor’s helps to guide Pathfinders in completing their class requirements. Copyright 2014.

  • Precio:$3.95
Ranger Instructor's Helps - Investiture Achievement

Ranger Instructor's Helps - Investiture Achievement

Use these instructor’s helps to guide Pathfinders in completing their class requirements. Copyright 2014.

  • Precio:$3.95
Explorer Instructor's Helps - Investiture Achievement

Explorer Instructor's Helps - Investiture Achievement

Use these instructor’s helps to guide Pathfinders in completing their class requirements. Copyright 2014.

  • Precio:$3.95
Companion Instructor's Helps - Investiture Achievement

Companion Instructor's Helps - Investiture Achievement

Use these instructor’s helps to guide Pathfinders in completing their class requirements. Copyright 2014.

  • Precio:$3.95
Friend Instructor's Helps - Investiture Achievement

Friend Instructor's Helps - Investiture Achievement

Use these instructor’s helps to guide Pathfinders in completing their class requirements. Copyright 2014.

  • Precio:$3.95


Este parche es dado al conquistador que completa los requisitos de la especialidad de Dibujo. Categoría: Artes y actividades manuales Nivel de habilidad: 2 Nivel avanzado: Sí

Tarjeta de Registros | Nivel de Amigo

Tarjeta de Registros | Nivel de Amigo

Cada Conquistador necesita una tarjeta para el nivel que están completando. Las tarjetas sirven como una guía personal de registro de los requisitos de la clase. Tarjeta doblada. Dereccho de autor 2011.  Ministerio de Conquistadores de la DNA. (AdventSource).

  • Precio:$0.50

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  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States