
Items by:

God Said It: The Stories of Jesus #12 | Spanish

God Said It: The Stories of Jesus #12 | Spanish

Este libro cuenta historias sobre algunas de las historias que contó Jesús: dos hombres que construyeron casas, una sobre una roca y la otra sobre la arena; el buen samaritano, que ayudó a un hombre que algunos habrían considerado su enemigo; la oveja perdida que... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
God Said It: The Miracles of Jesus #2 | Book #11, Spanish

God Said It: The Miracles of Jesus #2 | Book #11, Spanish

Este libro cuenta historias sobre algunos de los asombrosos milagros de Jesús: Su breve mandato detuvo inmediatamente la tormenta, Él rescató a un hombre del control del diablo, un simple toque sanó a una mujer de toda una vida de enfermedad, Él resucitó a... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
God Said It: The Miracles of Jesus #10 | Spanish

God Said It: The Miracles of Jesus #10 | Spanish

Este libro cuenta historias sobre algunas de las muchas personas que pasaron tiempo con Jesús: el centurión que tuvo fe en que Jesús podía sanar a su hija, el ciego cuya vista Jesús restauró, los diez leprosos sanados por Jesús y el niño que... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
God Said It: The Son of God #9 | Spanish

God Said It: The Son of God #9 | Spanish

Este libro cuenta historias sobre el nacimiento de Jesús, los ángeles, pastores y reyes magos que lo recibieron; cómo era Jesús de niño y su primera visita al templo; cómo Satanás tentó a Jesús en el desierto; y el primer milagro de... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
God Said It: New Testament Heroes #8 | Spanish

God Said It: New Testament Heroes #8 | Spanish

Este libro cuenta historias sobre Juan el Bautista, el hombre elegido para presentar a Jesús al mundo; María, la joven que se convirtió en madre de Jesús; Zaqueo, el recaudador de impuestos que amaba a Jesús; y los discípulos, seguidores escogidos de... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
Thunder Island VBS Animal Tokens (Set of 10)

Thunder Island VBS Animal Tokens (Set of 10)

Each kid at Thunder Island VBS will receive one new token each day. This set includes enough tokens for 10 kids.

  • Precio:$19.99
Thunder Island VBS Stand-up Characters

Thunder Island VBS Stand-up Characters

Add a new stand-up character to your VBS stage each day. Medidas: Expresados en pulgdadas  Loro: 30 X 23 PulgadasCamaleon: 16 X 37 PulgadasDelfin: 38 X 35 PulgadasOstra: 26 X 26 PulgadasEstrella: 27 X 26 Pulgadas (Altura por ancho)

  • Precio:$159.95
Principles to Build a Strong Relationship

Principles to Build a Strong Relationship

A strong relationship is the foundation for a relationship to grow, blossom, and flourish. There are many obstacles and situations that can prevent your relationship from living up to your expectations and full potential. This book will provide, equip, prepare, and give you the tools to navigate... [Show more]

  • Precio:$19.95
Financial Pitfalls in Blended Families

Financial Pitfalls in Blended Families

Financial Pitfalls in Blended Families is a short 36-page booklet that should be read by people who, after a divorce or after the death of a spouse, are wanting to remarry. This book will delve into some of the financial pitfalls to building a new home with a blended family. This booklet will be a... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95
Consuelo para el Día | Libro

Consuelo para el Día | Libro

Tu corazón está destrozado. Te resulta difícil respirar al despertar a la realidad de que alguien a quien aprecias se ha ido. La muerte ha arrebatado a tu ser querido de tus brazos. Ahora comienza la labor aparentemente insuperable de vivir a través del duelo.... [Show more]

  • Precio:$16.95
2B.2 Grades 3-4 Year B - Student Materials - Three Angels Curriculum

2B.2 Grades 3-4 Year B - Student Materials - Three Angels Curriculum

Includes Jazmin and the Three Angels Fair; Student Participation Booklet

  • Precio:$10.95
Game Card Pack 2 - Controlled Phonetic Reading

Game Card Pack 2 - Controlled Phonetic Reading

This game card pack of the Controlled Phonetic Reading Program consists of 51 pages of words taken from the stories in the Multi-Letter Teacher’s Edition, Book 2. It is an invaluable resource for playing games with the very words that are included in the reading stories. Each card contains a... [Show more]

  • Precio:$24.99
Game Card Pack 1 - Controlled Phonetic Reading

Game Card Pack 1 - Controlled Phonetic Reading

This game card pack of the Controlled Phonetic Reading Program consists of 94 pages of game ideas and words taken from the stories in the Single-Letter Teacher’s Edition, Book 1. It is an invaluable resource for playing games with the very words that are included in the reading stories. Each... [Show more]

  • Precio:$29.99
3D Alphabet Letter Craft Worksheets - Controlled Phonetic Reading

3D Alphabet Letter Craft Worksheets - Controlled Phonetic Reading

Controlled Phonetic Reading Alphabet Letter Craft Worksheet and Lesson Plans include 90 pages of: HANDS-ON MULTI-SENSORY activities for each Alphabet Letter Ready-made WEEKLY LESSON PLANS for each Alphabet Letter Template for creating the student’s own 3-D Alphabet Notebook SNACK ideas These... [Show more]

  • Precio:$29.99
Flashcards - Controlled Phonetic Reading

Flashcards - Controlled Phonetic Reading

The Controlled Phonetic Reading Phonogram Flashcards include 70 of the most common phonograms in the English language. All the alphabet letters are covered, plus most multi-letter phonograms such as ch, sh, th, oy, oi, ee, ea, ar, or, ough, ie, ay, ai, etc. On the back of each card, all the sounds... [Show more]

  • Precio:$24.99
Student Reader & Coloring Book - Controlled Phonetic Reading

Student Reader & Coloring Book - Controlled Phonetic Reading

This 113-page Controlled Phonetic Reading Student Reader/Coloring Book contains 32 PHONETIC STORIES that introduce letter sounds in the ORDER OF THEIR USE OF FREQUENCY IN READING. The first story consists of 3 letter sounds of “T,” “I,” and “P.” Each lesson and... [Show more]

  • Precio:$39.99

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