
Items by:

DVD-Keepers of the Flame

DVD-Keepers of the Flame

Estos DVDs fascinantes combinan el estilo de documental y drama para revelar las historias que dieron lugar a la aparición de la iglesia. Obtenga información acerca de Martín Lutero, los valdenses, Juan Knox y otros. Contiene los idiomas inglés, alemán, español y polaco. 315 minutos. Copyright... [Show more]

  • Precio:$39.95
What About. . .?

What About. . .?

Young people have questions.Some of these have to do with what is hitting them in the face at the moment; an unwanted pregnancy, parental conflict over body piercing, a passing comment heard in a sermon, a sudden death. Some of these have to do with things they have heard, but now they are thinking... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.00
Imanes I

Imanes I

Nivel: Constructores (3o grado)  Categoría: Arte y actividades manuales Sección: Mi Mundo Este parche se entrega al completar los requisitos de la especialidad.

Fortaleciendo parejas

Fortaleciendo parejas

En Fortaleciendo Parejas, los autores quieren que usted aprenda lo que las parejas felices están haciendo y cuáles son sus fortalezas. La información se basa en los resultados de las parejas que tomaron el inventario de ENRICH como parte del programa PREPARE / ENRICH. Cada... [Show more]

  • Precio:$22.95
Empowering Couples

Empowering Couples

In Empowering Couples, the authors want you to learn what happy couples are doing and what their strengths are. Information is based on results from couples who took the ENRICH couple inventory as part of the PREPARE/ENRICH Program. Each chapter begins with a “couple quiz” about a specific... [Show more]

  • Precio:$22.95
Reaching Single Adults

Reaching Single Adults

Although 44 percent of all adults are unmarried, most churches are focused on marriage and families. As a result, they miss many opportunities to reach out as well as to benefit from the abilities and resources singles have to offer. Dennis Franck, who has been working in single adult ministry for... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.95
Catálogo de Conquistadores

Catálogo de Conquistadores

El catálogo completo de uniformes y recursos para el Club de Conquistadores.

  • Precio:Gratis
Church Board Member Quick Start Guide

Church Board Member Quick Start Guide

The church board is a vital committee in every Adventist church. Board members are legally and morally responsible for all activities of the congregation. Learn about your role as a church board member. A must-read for all new church board members! Booklet. 18 pages. Copyright 2007, 2009, 2018.

  • Precio:$2.95
Communication Director Quick Start Guide

Communication Director Quick Start Guide

This manual was written for local church communication volunteers. Get to know the three primary groups you will communicate with: church members, the community, and the conference communication department. Includes information on communicating through the following venues: Church bulletin... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95
Prison Ministries Training Curriculum

Prison Ministries Training Curriculum

This series is for people interested in learning more about prison ministry. Learn how to witness to those in prison, and what is required in order to volunteer as a chaplain.Titles include: Introduction to Inmate Spiritual Counseling Training Curriculum Spiritual Gifts: Keys to... [Show more]

  • Precio:$24.95
Personal Ministries Advanced Level

Personal Ministries Advanced Level

Become certified in personal evangelism as a lay Bible instructor by completing these seminars. Grow your church learning how to start small groups and train others for involvement, give Bible studies, call for decisions, and more. Learn God’s way to keep His church going and growing, and... [Show more]

  • Precio:$29.95
Sabbath School Advanced Level

Sabbath School Advanced Level

Become certified in adult religious education. Learn a four-step process for conducting Sabbath school classes that get people involved and lead to genuine discovery, how to guide group discussions for real discovery, and questioning techniques. You’ll find the best way to use a text, ways to... [Show more]

  • Precio:$29.95
Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Basic Level

Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Basic Level

Use this training curriculum to strengthen your discipleship capacity. Contents include: Spiritual Gifts: Keys to Ministry Principles of Personal Christian Witness Principles of Christian Leadership Principles of Spiritual Leadership How to Understand and Teach Basic Adventist Doctrines Power for... [Show more]

  • Precio:$29.95
Principles of Personal Christian Witness

Principles of Personal Christian Witness

According to some studies, 75-90% of people joining the church cite friends or relatives as the main influence in their decision. In light of these statistics, it’s essential that all churches become training centers, equipping lay people for personal ministry. Learn Jesus’ process of... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.95
Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts

Did you know that all Christians have been blessed with spiritual gifts? Can you identify yours? Use this book as a starting point to identify and share your spiritual gifts. Take the spiritual gifts inventory and follow the author’s suggestions for determining your spiritual gifts. Learn the... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.95
Web Ministry Quick Start Guide

Web Ministry Quick Start Guide

Learn the basics of starting a website for your church. This book covers the following topics: Content management systems Web hosting Design basics What to include in your site Recruiting a web team Tips for writing and taking photos Promoting your church's website And more! Paperback. 16 Pages.... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95

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