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Family Resilience - FM Planbook 2022

Family Resilience - FM Planbook 2022

Family Resilience is for pastors and ministry leaders in their work with families in and out of the church. The resources found in this volume will help develop healthier families, which invariably results in healthier churches that can reach the world with power and joy to help hasten the coming of... [Show more]

  • Precio:$11.95
Hidroponía y acuaponía

Hidroponía y acuaponía

This patch is given to Pathfinders on completion of the requirements for the Hydro Aquaphonics Honor.

Relational Bible Studies -- Acts

Relational Bible Studies -- Acts

Relational Bible Studies encourage participants to imagine participating in Bible stories while they are happening. This helps us be able to apply Bible passages to our lives today. These Bible studies were designed for use in a small group setting. Start with the opening question. It is a personal... [Show more]

  • Precio:Gratis
Steps to Christ Study Guide

Steps to Christ Study Guide

This study guide is designed to bring readers into a closer relationship with the healing love of God revealed in the pages of Steps to Christ. It starts with a framework for understanding this classic book by Ellen White. Next, this guide presents a two-column format with the text of Steps to... [Show more]

  • Precio:$6.95
L.A.M.B and Daddy Cares

L.A.M.B and Daddy Cares

When newborns and children are taken away from their mothers because of incarceration, the consequences are traumatic for all involved. The important bonding that naturally occurs between a newborn and their mother does not occur. Toddlers and older children become confused, heartbroken, and... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
Letter Writing Ministry

Letter Writing Ministry

This Resource Guide is provided to instruct, encourage, and inspire those that would have a desire to follow the Lord’s leading in prison ministry. It is our desire that every correctional resident in the North American Division will have the opportunity to get to know Jesus Christ and be... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.95
Fire from the Sky: Bible Time Advent

Fire from the Sky: Bible Time Advent

Prophet Elijah and his 11-year-old faithful servant Moash are forced to flee Israel when King Ahab stirs up trouble. The king’s pagan wife Jezebel is out to kill God’s prophet. What happens next is an incredible test of faith and an adventure-filled story of God’s power to deliver... [Show more]

  • Precio:$12.95
African American SDA Healers

African American SDA Healers

This collection of essays features the experience of black Seventh-day Adventist healers and preachers through the painful history of racial and social discrimination; it chronicles their struggles and showcases their love for their church and fellow human beings and the profound influence of their... [Show more]

  • Precio:$19.95
Saludable Mente

Saludable Mente

La mente es el motor que nos impulsa a disfrutar de una vida plena y feliz. Al gestionar nuestras emociones la mente puede hacernos vivir los mejores momentos de la vida o agotar toda nuestra energía. Por ello es de capital importancia usarla SALUDABLEMENTE. Uno de los problemas de salud... [Show more]

  • Precio:$19.95
Health Mind

Health Mind

Our mind is the engine that pushes us to live a full and happy life. By managing our emotions, our mind can make us live the best moments in life. On the other hand, it can drain all our energy. Thus, it is crucial to have a HEALTHY MIND. One of the most common health problems that affect our mind... [Show more]

  • Precio:$19.95
God Said It -- Set of 12

God Said It -- Set of 12

From the beginning of our world at creation through the birth and life of Jesus, volumes 1-12 of the God Said It series take kids on a wonderous journey through most of the main stories of the Bible. Each story teaches kids important lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
God Said It-Stories of Jesus (Bk 12)

God Said It-Stories of Jesus (Bk 12)

The powerful stories Jesus told of the man who built his house on the sand, the good Samaritan, the lost sheep, and the prodigal son teach kids important lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their lives. The God Said It series uses beautiful pictures and fascinating, true... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
God Said It-The Miracles-2 Book 11

God Said It-The Miracles-2 Book 11

Jesus’ miracles of calming the storm, saving a man from the devil, raising a little girl from the dead, and Peter walking on the water teach kids important lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their lives. The God Said It series uses beautiful pictures and... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
The Man Who Became a Beast

The Man Who Became a Beast

This is the Fourth in the 12-book series of comic books chronicling Daniel’s Adventures of Danger and Dreams. Paperback. Copyright 2020.

  • Precio:$19.95
1A.8 PreK-2 Year A - Three Angels Poster

1A.8 PreK-2 Year A - Three Angels Poster

This poster lists the Three Angles messages in language kids can understand. 

  • Precio:$1.95
I Want More booklet

I Want More booklet

We can all use more of the good stuff in our lives, but… Human nature skews toward the negative and problem-focused. Accordingly, much of the mental health literature available today does a fantastic job of diagnosing problems. Definitions have their place, but without strong, sustainable... [Show more]

  • Precio:Gratis

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  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States