





The Evangelism special recognition patch is designed for Adventur-
ers who want to learn how to participate in their church’s evangelistic events. Be an Adventurer or an Adventurer staff member (recommended for Builder and Helping Hand levels).

  1. Attend at least ten meetings (evangelistic meetings, Daniel or Revelation seminars, etc.). If less than ten are conducted, attend at least two- thirds of them.
  2. Share about 5 things you learned in the meeting.

  3. ParticipateinthemeetingswearingyourAdventurerUniform(including

    scarf & sash).

  4. Participate in at least four of the following: • Be an usher.
    • Pick up the offering.
    • Have Scripture or prayer.

    • Assist in the set-up/take-down of the meeting hall.

    • Hand out the evening programs, brochures, etc.

    • Give a testimony of what Jesus has done for you recently.

    • Be a greeter.

    • Help operate an Adventurer booth showing what the church has for its young people.

    • Invite a guest who is not a member of your church to attend the meetings and host them throughout the evenings.

    • Contact at least ten individuals by phone or in person, inviting them to attend the meetings.

    • Assist in the children’s meetings, if available.

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States