
Glue Right Award Requirements

Glue Right Award Requirements



Download the requirements for the glue right award by clicking on the download link above.

Level: Sunbeam (2nd grade)
Category: Arts and Crafts
Section: My World

Glue Right

1. Practice controlling the glue on scratch paper.
2. Learn how to control the glue by practicing different methods of applying glue.
3. Children may glue a star, sequin, or other items on the line where they think they learned the most about controlling the glue and tell why.
4. Read and discuss Proverbs 18:24.
5. Make a craft or picture using glue the right way.
6. Put glue evenly in a small circle on the back of your hand. Wait for it to dry. Can you pull the glue off your hand in one piece?

1. Providing glue bottles with undamaged tips is important for the success of this award. Instruct children to practice squeezing the glue bottle lightly to make a thin line and then squeeze a little more to make a thick line. When they feel they have control of the glue they are ready to practice on the form.
2. Create a glue right form similar to the sample.

  1. Think Line: Make the glue flow in a thick line to fill the space without going past the end of the lines.
  2. Thin Line: Squeeze the glue very lightly and hold the tip of the container above the paper. Make the glue flow only on top of the thin lines without going past the end of the lines.
  3. Dash Line: Cover each dash without going past the end of the dash by stopping squeezing and raising the container up when the first dash ends and putting it down squeezing again to make the next dash.
  4. Circles: Put the glue in the middle of a circle and squeeze the container lightly and let the glue spread out to the edges. Fill in each circle without going past the lines.
  5. Magazine pictures: Thin paper takes very little glue. Put just a small touch of glue on your finger and touch lightly the corners of the picture so the glue will not show through to the front side.
  6. Design: Use any type of sequins, gem, or small trinkets. Squeeze a small amount of glue on scratch paper. Use a toothpick to put glue on the items like sequins. Larger, heavier items will take more glue.
  7. Outline a star in glue and cover with glitter. For best results, do one angle at a time or use a toothpick. Staff should set up one location where glitter is applied.

3. Never judge the success of this award by how neatly they completed the Glue Right form. The award is a success if they understand the techniques and know it is their job to learn ways to control glue.
4. The friend that stays faithful, even when all others turn away, is Jesus. He is the true and faithful Friend, the One who never fails.
5. Any craft that require glue is appropriate.
6. No purpose—just fun.

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