
Prayer Award Requirements

Prayer Award Requirements



Download the requirements for the prayer award by clicking on the download link above.

Level: Builder (3rd Grade)
Category: Spiritual
Section: My God


1. Explain why we pray, what we pray for, and how we pray. Read Isaiah 40:31.
2. Read Matthew 6:5-15, the Lord’s Prayer.
3. Pray to Jesus three times a day for one week. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:17.
4. Teach someone you know about praying and say a prayer with him/her.
5. Do three or more of the following:

  1. Make a prayer request chart and ask people if they have a prayer request and pray for them.
  2. Lead out in a club opening or closing prayer.
  3. Make a card with a prayer in it and give it to someone.
  4. Ask the pastor about prayer.
  5. Have a prayer breakfast for kids and parents.
  6. Make a prayer journal and see how God answers prayer.

1. We pray to stay close to Jesus because He is our very best friend and we want to be like Jesus (read Mark 1:35). We pray to thank Him for His love and care, to ask for forgiveness, and to help others and ourselves (James 5:16). We should have a quiet time each day with Jesus, but we can pray any time, anywhere.
2. Discuss the Lord’s Prayer with children.
3. Ask parents to encourage children to pray and to make it a daily habit.
4. Discuss how to teach someone to pray.
5. Discuss with the children how each of these activities can be done. For the prayer breakfast invite kids of all ages to attend and have a child give the message.

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