"It's an old, old story which for centuries has filled families with joy where it has been told. A the same time, it's today's story. The story must be told and retold if families are to find their true identity, be knit together as a family, and connected in community. We'll know we've got it when it sets our hearts to singing, binds us together in love, and compels us to shout it from the rooftops!" — Ron and Karen Flowers
The story? It's about God's amazing grace. Grace that rescues and redeems, comforts and delivers.
The joy? Comes from experiencing that grace—believing that God really can save. Isn't it what we want for ourselves and our children?
Families Filled with Joy is a 125-page planbook that can help you organize, plan, and present a year's worth of grace-oriented events for families.
Included are:
- Complete seminars
- Sermon material
- Children's stories
- Resources articles
- responsive readings
- Interactive worship program
Imagine the impact of families "filled with joy" in your church and community.