
Items by:

Who Was Sitting Bull?

Who Was Sitting Bull?

Who was sitting bull? A boy named Jumping Bear born in the Dakota Territory? A holy man and tribal chief? A Lakota Sioux leader who fought to protect his people? All of the above! Find out more in this illustrated book. Paperback. Copyright 2014. 106 pages.

  • Precio:$5.99
Secrets of the Desert Lights

Secrets of the Desert Lights

Lizards and Lights and Laws, Oh My! This fun true-adventure story for children ages 9-12 combines a riveting mystery with learning the difference between principles and rules. The second book in a series of stories that teach about various aspects of Christian life and shows the importance of... [Show more]

  • Precio:$4.97
My First Prayers

My First Prayers

These small colorful board books help little ones grasp the basic concepts of prayer. Set of six board books include My Day God and Me Thank You, God God Loves Us, People Around Me God’s World 6-volume Set in Slipcase.

  • Precio:$6.95
If My People Pray

If My People Pray

What would happen in our homes, churches, and communities if we followed God's counsel in 2 Chronicles 7:14, humbled ourselves, and prayed? That question is explored and answered in Randy Maxwell's If My People Pray, a book infused with a passion for prayer as God's chosen method for establishing... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.95


When Ellen White wrote about prayer—its power and its necessity for the Christian—she was writing from personal experience. Often she was driven to her knees by the demands of the special work she had been called to do and her need for strength from God. This newest addition to the Christian Home... [Show more]

  • Precio:$19.95
The ABC's of Bible Prayer

The ABC's of Bible Prayer

"I found in my agony of searching something for which I have been continually grateful. I found the ABC’s of prayer. "In Matthew 7:7 I learned the ‘A’ of prayer. ‘Ask and it shall be given you.’ In Mark 11:24 I learned the ‘B’ of prayer. ‘Believe.’ Believe that you have received the answer! Isn’t... [Show more]

  • Precio:$10.95
God's Adventurers

God's Adventurers

How would you like to meet some of God’s adventurers? This book contains stories about William Miller, Joseph Bates, Ellen White, Uriah Smith, and others who were God’s Adventurers. Some were grown up when they began their work for God—others were still young. Primary-aged children will discover... [Show more]

  • Precio:$7.95
Ossie the Otter

Ossie the Otter

It was a rare and perfect Alaskan day. The air was peaceful, and the surface of the lake shimmered like a mirror. But Ossie, a baby river otter, barely noticed—he was on a mission. Tag along with Ossie on his aquatic adventures as he encounters the rough and tumbling river, battles a hungry osprey,... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.99
A Friend for Zipper

A Friend for Zipper

What's wrong with this horse? Ruth-Ann's older cousin, Kaitlin, bought a pony to train and sell to raise money for her high school tuition. She names him Mystery. Kaitlin worked very hard with her new pony, but instead of getting better trained, Mystery got worse. Why didn't he respond to her... [Show more]

  • Precio:$4.95
I Miss Grandpa

I Miss Grandpa

A book to help Adventist children understand death—and eternal life Stevie loved visiting Grandma and Grandpa on their farm! Grandpa let Stevie feed the chickens and lambs and ride on the tractor. They always had so much fun together. One day not long after a visit to the farm, something went wrong... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.95
David Asks Why

David Asks Why

Young children want to know about everything—cell phones, frogs, rockets—you name it. But the most important thing they need to know about is the character of God. God’s character and person can be summed up in many ways, but the greatest and best is simple enough for a young child to understand—God... [Show more]

  • Precio:$12.95
Malinki of Malawi

Malinki of Malawi

Where the Livubwe River flows down into the mighty Zambezi, the village called Milongo once sprawled out over the rocks and little rises. The bwala in the center of the village, beaten flat almost to iron hardness, had been made by the footsteps of many generations. It was here in this little... [Show more]

  • Precio:$11.95
Secrets of the Canyon

Secrets of the Canyon

A grand expedition to Albuquerque promises to be a great adventure for the Reynolds family. When Dad announces a surprise vacation, Cari and Andy can hardly wait to find new secrets while exploring forests, mountains, deserts, and canyons. Join them as they discover all kinds of exciting things... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
Secrets of the Old Red barn

Secrets of the Old Red barn

This is a long-needed book for kids to help them understand the growth of our church following the Great Disappointment. Sandy Zaugg has brought the issues and the times to life in this delightful book. This story is set in the in-bewtween years of our church's history- after the Great... [Show more]

  • Precio:$4.97
Spotted Boy and the Comanches

Spotted Boy and the Comanches

Thad Conway loved his life in Texas-until one day when he was snatched away by the Comanches and his much-loved pony was given to another boy, a Comanche. Thad was carried off a prisoner. From that day on, his life changed dramatically. Here is the story of his life with the Comanches. Did Thad... [Show more]

  • Precio:$15.95
Adventurers in the Bible - The Serpent Scroll

Adventurers in the Bible - The Serpent Scroll

This exciting book takes children on an adventure through several books of the Bible and introduces them to using concordance. As the children "travel" through the Bible, they discover that the linked stories all involve serpents. Paperback. Copyright 2009. 127 pages.

  • Precio:$11.95

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