
Items by:

My Bible Story Book

My Bible Story Book

Here are the most exciting stories of the Bible, presented in a simple and joyful way. Accompanied by beautiful, colorful illustrations on every page and written in simple language, these stories will bring you and your child hours of enjoyment. Children will meet a loving God who crated them, died... [Show more]

  • Precio:$18.95
The Meanest Man In the Army

The Meanest Man In the Army

Look at Goliath—he’s taller than a house! Watch out for his spear—it’s thick like a tree trunk. Can God find a hero to face the giant? Count the soldiers in Gideon’s tiny army. How can 300 men chase away thousands with nothing but torches and trumpets? Listen to chariots rumbling and soldiers... [Show more]

  • Precio:$12.95
Margie Asks, Why Do People Have to Die

Margie Asks, Why Do People Have to Die

Why death? Why pain? It's the most difficult question of all. This classic work reveals, in simple story form, what philosophers and theologians have struggled for centuries to explain. All who seek to serve a loving God, yet suffer pain and loss, will find answers to their deepest questions in this... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
Adventurers in the Bible - The Lamb Scroll

Adventurers in the Bible - The Lamb Scroll

The Lamb Scroll is the second book in the Adventures in the Bible series. Young readers will be inspired to uncover the treasure found in God's Word, and will be excited to share their own stories of what the Lamb has accomplished in their lives. Paperback. Copyright 2010. 128 pages.

  • Precio:$11.95
Adventurers in the Bible - the Kingdom Scroll

Adventurers in the Bible - the Kingdom Scroll

The last book in the Adventures in the Bible trilogy. "God's Kingdom is like a treasure," Hannah said. "It's more valuable than anything!" In The Kingdom Scroll, Paul, James and Hannah observe many of the stories in the Bible that deal with kings and kingdoms. At first they are puzzled about how... [Show more]

  • Precio:$11.95
¡Auxilio, somos padres! Edades entre  8 a 12 años | Conjunto de libros/DVD

¡Auxilio, somos padres! Edades entre 8 a 12 años | Conjunto de libros/DVD

Este conjunto de libros y DVD incluye todo lo que necesita para dirigir un grupo a través de ¡Auxilio, somos padres! especificamente es para padres de niños de edades comprendidas entre 8 a 12 años. Este recurso es ideal para ser usado: Individual, como pareja, en una... [Show more]

  • Precio:$69.95
¡Auxilio, somos padres! Edades entre 8 - 12 | DVD

¡Auxilio, somos padres! Edades entre 8 - 12 | DVD

¡Auxilio, somos padres!: La paternidad cristiana en el mundo actual inspirará y dará ánimo a padres, abuelos y a quienes están al cuidado de los niños como discípulos de Jesús. Aborda desafíos frecuentes que experimentan los padres desde... [Show more]

  • Precio:$59.95
¡Auxilio, somos padres!: Edades entre 8-12 años | Libro

¡Auxilio, somos padres!: Edades entre 8-12 años | Libro

¿Qué sucedería si alguien te da un bloque del mejor mármol para que den forma a una pieza maestra que para exhibir en el lugar más prominente del mundo? ser padres es algo similar, pero en lugar de tener un bloque duro y frío de mármol, se nos entrega... [Show more]

  • Precio:$1.00
Adventurer Investiture Order Form

Adventurer Investiture Order Form

A complete listing of Investiture supplies for Adventurer and Master Guide club leaders

Growing Disciples:2017 Planbook - NAD Edition

Growing Disciples:2017 Planbook - NAD Edition

Growing Disciples is for pastors and ministry leaders in their work with families in and out of the church. We hope the resources found in this volume will help develop healthier families, which invariably result in healthier churches that can reach the world with power and joy to help hasten the... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
Growing Disciples : 2017 Planbook - GC Edition

Growing Disciples : 2017 Planbook - GC Edition

Growing Disciples is for pastors and ministry leaders in their work with families in and out of the church. We hope the resources found in this volume will help develop healthier families, which invariably result in healthier churches that can reach the world with power and joy to help hasten the... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
Humble Hero

Humble Hero

Jesus is both human and God. As the Son of Man, He gave us an example of how to live on this earth. As the Son of God He saves us from our sins so that we might live with Him in eternity. No one has had more impact on Earth than Jesus. Today, He calls to us to believe in Him and to follow Him, just... [Show more]

  • Precio:$8.95
Lista de investidura  para Club de Aventureros |  PDF Descargable

Lista de investidura para Club de Aventureros | PDF Descargable

Es el listado completo de artículos y especialidades de investidura para el Club de Aventureros y Guías Mayores, descargable. Nota: Estos artículos son restringidos y requieren el código de autorización de su conferencia.

Adventurer Investiture Order Form (e-file)

Adventurer Investiture Order Form (e-file)

A complete listing of Investiture supplies for Adventurer Club leaders and Master Guides.

Christ's Way to Salvation

Christ's Way to Salvation

Philip Samaan will help you see beautiful portraits of Jesus hidden in the passages of Zechariah. Each chapter reveals a unique picture that focuses on different aspects of Christ’s character and ministry. You will see Him as your Advocate and Righteousness, your Judge and Vindicator, the Good... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.95
Light for a Dark World

Light for a Dark World

Would you like to know more about Jesus? Would you like to know what’s really true about Him? Read through this little book and it will help you get to know Jesus better. Let Jesus into your life more and more each day. Learn to recognize and accept His love. Realize the amazing difference that... [Show more]

  • Precio:$6.95

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  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States