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Pathfinder Club Director Quick Start Guide | Francés

Pathfinder Club Director Quick Start Guide | Francés

This Quick Start Guide for Pathfinder Club leaders is full of important information to help you start or revitalize a Pathfinder Club in your church. This guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful ministry, troubleshooting suggestions,... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95
Consejos sobre la obra de la Escuela Sabática

Consejos sobre la obra de la Escuela Sabática

Sólo una hora! Eso es todo el tiempo que un maestro de la Escuela Sabática tiene que hacer una impresión duradera en las mentes expuestas a muchas horas de adoctrinamiento secular por los medios de comunicación cada semana. El propósito de este libro es ayudar a... [Show more]

  • Precio:$12.95
Consejos sobre el régimen alimenticio

Consejos sobre el régimen alimenticio

Décadas antes de que muchos fisiólogos estuvieran preocupados por la estrecha relación entre la dieta y la salud, Elena G. White en sus escritos claramente señaló la conexión entre los alimentos que comemos y nuestro bienestar físico y espiritual. En... [Show more]

  • Precio:$21.95
Uncovering the Life of Jesus

Uncovering the Life of Jesus

Every Christian knows that Jesus is good news for everyone. Yet most of us struggle to share this good news with the people closest to us. Becky Pippert has spent years talking to people about Jesus and her experience shines through on each page of these six Bible studies in Luke. Uncovering the... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.00
Keepers of the Heart - DVD

Keepers of the Heart - DVD

This seminar will help participants discover that stewardship is our vocation. The counsel and personal stories illustrate various ways different people have learned stewardship principles and how they developed faith in God’s care as a result. Participants will experience a deeper... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.00
Porn Does't Have to be the Norm

Porn Does't Have to be the Norm

If you think pornography can’t be a problem in your church, consider the following statistics*: 50% of all Christian men and 20% of all Christian women say they are addicted to pornography. 68% of young adult men and 18% of women use porn at least once every week. Another 17% of men and another... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95
The Unbelievable Beatitudes - Leaders Guide

The Unbelievable Beatitudes - Leaders Guide

Many are familiar with Jesus’ famous words that lead His Sermon on the Mount. They have been cause for hope for Christians everywhere. They have also been cause for profound discussion regarding just how to conduct ourselves in this broken world. But you’re about to delve into the Beatitudes like... [Show more]

  • Precio:$4.99
The Unbelievable Beatitudes

The Unbelievable Beatitudes

Many are familiar with Jesus’ famous words that lead His Sermon on the Mount. Those words have been cause for hope for Christians everywhere. They have also been cause for profound discussion regarding just how we should conduct ourselves in this broken world. But you’re about to delve into the... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.99
WITH Incarnational Leading on Campus

WITH Incarnational Leading on Campus

Some people seem more gifted than the rest of us at being present—they just faithfully show up. When they leave, it’s not because they’ve got a task to run to but because we’re done venting, crying, or whatever the reason for their presence. We look at them with defeat in our eyes. “They’re... [Show more]

  • Precio:$4.95
Un Seguidor de Jesús | Guía para el Lider

Un Seguidor de Jesús | Guía para el Lider

Seguir a Jesús es como realizar un viaje. Los miembros se desaniman. Algunos se resbalan, se caen y necesitan ayuda. Hay lugares peligrosos en donde se necesita una mano amiga. Muchas veces, aquellos que se sienten solos y sin guía desaparecen en silencio. Jesús entiende los... [Show more]

  • Precio:$4.99
Un Seguidor de Jesús | Guía de estudio

Un Seguidor de Jesús | Guía de estudio

Seguir a Jesús es como realizar un viaje. Los miembros se desaniman. Algunos se resbalan, se caen y necesitan ayuda. Hay lugares peligrosos en donde se necesita una mano amiga. Muchas veces, aquellos que se sienten solos y sin guía desaparecen en silencio. Un Seguidor de Jesús... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.99
Health & Wellness - Secrets that will Change Your Life - French

Health & Wellness - Secrets that will Change Your Life - French

(default description)

  • Precio:Gratis
Viva con esperanza | secretos para tener salud y calidad de vida

Viva con esperanza | secretos para tener salud y calidad de vida

¿Cuánto pagaría por aprender los secretos de la salud y el bienestar durante toda la vida? Salud y Bienestar: Los secretos que cambiarán su vida le mostrarán formas espectacularmente sencillas de evitar asesinos crónicos como el cáncer, la diabetes,... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.79
Health & Wellness - Secrets that will Change Your Life

Health & Wellness - Secrets that will Change Your Life

(default description)

  • Precio:$2.79
ACS - Brochure: Who We Are

ACS - Brochure: Who We Are

This eight-panel brochure outlines the ways ACS serves communities across North America. Copyright 2015

  • Precio:Gratis
Pin del Ministerio Adventista de la Familia

Pin del Ministerio Adventista de la Familia

Este pin mide una pulgada.

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States