
Items by:

Fiercely Faithful VBS Station Posters (set of 6)

Fiercely Faithful VBS Station Posters (set of 6)

Use these posters to mark each of your Fiercely Faithful VBS stations.

  • Precio:$6.99
Fiercely Faithful VBS Resting Point Posters

Fiercely Faithful VBS Resting Point Posters

These posters show the daily call and response for Fiercely Faithful VBS.

  • Precio:$4.99
Servant of God

Servant of God

“There are literally thousands in this world and church mentored by Pastor Leo.” — Pastor Wayne Hicks  Told in Leo’s engaging style, he shares stories of his experiences growing up in Brazil, conversion to Adventism, and 33 years of General Conference Youth... [Show more]

  • Precio:$11.95
EBV 2023 Extremadamente fiel | Kit Completo

EBV 2023 Extremadamente fiel | Kit Completo

En esta Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones, los niños seguirán el viaje de Rut y Noemí desde Moab a Belén. A lo largo de la semana, los niños aprenderán que Dios siempre cumple sus promesas. ¡Cinco días de actividades centradas en Cristo les... [Show more]

  • Precio:$159.95
Fiercely Faithful VBS Kit

Fiercely Faithful VBS Kit

  At this Vacation Bible School kids will follow Ruth and Naomi’s journey from Moab to Bethlehem. Along the way, they’ll love learning how God always keeps His promises! Five days of Christ-centered activities will help kids see that God is always faithful. Included in the starter... [Show more]

  • Precio:$159.95
Relationship and Dating Violence

Relationship and Dating Violence

This brochure outlines dating and relationship violence. It includes warning signs, statistics, and resources for help and support.

  • Precio:Gratis
They Call Us Baby

They Call Us Baby

Woof! My name is Baby. I’m a puppy, and this is my true-life tale! I was rescued from a life of captivity with my previous human who was a victim of child trafficking. After my rehabilitation, I want to help others have a voice that’s loud enough to howl against this injustice lurking... [Show more]

  • Precio:$1.95
Globos aerostáticos

Globos aerostáticos

Nivel: Multinivel Este parche es dado al Aventurero que completa los requisitos de la especialidad de globos aerostáticos. 

Artesanía gastronómica

Artesanía gastronómica

  Nivel: Multinivel Este parche es dado al Aventurero que completa los requisitos de la especialidad de artesanía gastronómica. 

Logo digital | Children's Ministries

Logo digital | Children's Ministries

Esta descarga incluye logotipos a color y en blanco y negro para el Ministerio Infantil. Cada logotipo se incluye en formatos EPS, TIF y JPFG en inglés, español y francés.

  • Precio:Gratis
EBV 2023 | Mapa para estación de apertura y cierre

EBV 2023 | Mapa para estación de apertura y cierre

Display this map at the Mazan Oasis. Each day at the closing program, kids will add footprints as they journey to Bethlehem.

  • Precio:$29.95
Fiercely Faithful Travel Pal Tokens (10 sets)

Fiercely Faithful Travel Pal Tokens (10 sets)

Each kid at Fiercely Faithful VBS will receive one new token each day. This set includes enough tokens for 10 kids.

  • Precio:$19.99
The Queen's Crisis: Bible Time Adventures

The Queen's Crisis: Bible Time Adventures

The Queen's Crisis is an exciting children's chapter book about Farah, Mordecai's 11-year-old daughter. Farah is so excited that her second cousin Esther has been chosen to be the new queen of Persia! After befriending a boy in the King's court, Farah discovers Esther is now involved in a... [Show more]

  • Precio:$12.95
Adventist Single Adult Adult Ministries Quick Start Guide | Francés

Adventist Single Adult Adult Ministries Quick Start Guide | Francés

Ce guide de lancement rapide pour le ministère auprès des adultes célibataires adventistes est rempli d’informations importantes pour vous aider à lancer ou à raviver un ministère dans votre église locale. Il comprend une description de poste,... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95
Myths We Believe, Predators We Trust

Myths We Believe, Predators We Trust

Is your church really as safe as you think it is?  If someone was abusing a child close to you, could you tell? Don't victims often make up accusations to get attention? Does "forgive and forget" include letting a sex offender attend church with children present? How can we effectively protect... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.00
Camiseta Guía Mayor | Leading the Way

Camiseta Guía Mayor | Leading the Way

La camiseta tiene impreso lo siguiente: Leading the Way [Abriendo caminos] Master Guide Convention [Convención de Guías Mayores] Estes Park, Colorado [Estes Park, Colorado] 100 Years [100 años]

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States